Trändi Händi, Yo!





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Trändi Händi, Yo!


A music workshop by Bernhard Gal and Xenia Hu

Part of the Art Project Taste 0-20, Praterstrasse, Vienna, May 17/18, 03

Music workshop with Viennese children aged 7-12, in collaboration with Xenia Hu. Mobile phones are put into the center of attention and explored regarding their musical potential. Composed ringtones as well as preset sounds are used to create a choreographed music performance. The results of the workshop are presented as a 'cellphone concert' at Praterstrasse.

Workshop: May 17/18, Concert: May 18, 5 pm

Sponsored by One and Nokia.

See some images of the workshop..
Trändi Händi, Yo! - excerpt 1...........Trändi Händi, Yo! - excerpt 2

