galcd-releases and other audio publications


Bernhard Gal - Book & DVD 'Zwischenbrücken', 2015...Bernhard Gal - CD 'same difference', 2010.. Gal - CD 'relive', 2008 - illustration by Nalan Yirtmac.. DVD 'Installations' , Gromoga, Austria 2007.. CD 'Installations' , Gromoga, Austria 2005.. Kai Fagaschinski and Bernhard Gál - 'going roaund in serpentines', Charhizma, Austria 2005.. Book & Audio CD 'Installations'  (Kehrer / Gromoga, 2005).. CD 'Hinaus:: In den, Wald.'  (Klanggalerie, 2004).. CD 'relisten'  (Intransitive Recordings, 2001).. CD 'Defragmentation/blue' (Plate Lunch, 2000).. CD 'bestimmung new york' (Durian, 1999)





main audio publications
catalogues | cdrs | compilation cds | dvds | internet releases






































  gal main publications

Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany
Hörorte | Klangräume Hörorte | Klangräume (Listening Places | Sound Spaces) is available as an open access publication since January 2023. Download for free here.
Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany
Hörorte | Klangräume Hörorte | Klangräume (Listening Places | Sound Spaces). Published by wolke, Germany (sinefonia DIGITAL #3), October 12, 2022.
Zwischenbrücken, book & DVD, 2015
shut up and listen! 2006-18 (English) Book and Online Archives. edition sp ce | Gromoga, Austria, 2019 (edition sp ce, Vienna; ISBN 978-3-903089-02-0)
Zwischenbrücken, book & DVD, 2015
shut up and listen! 2006-18 (German) Book and Online Archives. edition sp ce | Gromoga, Austria, 2019 (edition sp ce, Vienna; ISBN 978-3-903089-01-3)
Zwischenbrücken, book & DVD, 2015
Zwischenbrücken Book & DVD-Video. edition sp ce | Gromoga, Austria, 2015 (Gromoga Records gro 21501)
CD 'same difference' (to be released in October 2010, original painting by Boulin Hu)
same difference Audio CD. Gromoga Records, Austria, 2010 (Gromoga Records gro 11001)
Gal - CD 'relive', 2008 - illustration by Nalan Yirtmac
relive Audio CD. Gromoga Records, Austria, 2008 (Gromoga Records gro 10801)
DVD 'Installations' , Gromoga, Austria 2007
Installations (DVD-Video) DVD-Video. Limited Edition. Gromoga Records, Austria, 2007 (Gromoga Records gro 20701)
Audio CD 'Installations' , Gromoga, Austria 2005
Installations (audio CD) Audio CD. Gromoga Records, Austria, 2005 (Gromoga Records gro 10501)
Kai Fagaschinski & Bernhard Gal - CD 'going round in serpentines', Charhizma 2005
going round in serpentines Audio CD. Kai Fagaschinski & Bernhard Gal; Charhizma, Austria, 2005 (charizma 034)
Book & Audio CD 'Installations'  (Kehrer / Gromoga, 2005)
Installations (book & audio CD) Catalogue Book & audio CD. Kehrer Verlag, Germany / Gromoga Records, Austria, 2005
CD 'Hinaus:: In den, Wald.' (Klanggalerie, Austria 2004)
Hinaus:: In den, Wald. Audio CD. Klanggalerie, Austria, 2004 (Klanggalerie gg52)
CD 'relisten'  (Intransitive Recordings, 2001)
relisten Audio CD. Intransitive Recordings, USA, 2001 (INT018)
CD 'Defragmentation/blue' (Plate Lunch PL11, 2000)
Defragmentation/blue Audio CD. Plate Lunch, Germany, 2000 (Plate Lunch PL11)
CD 'bestimmung new york' (Durian 009-2, 1999)
bestimmung new york Audio CD. Durian Records, Austria 1999 (durian 009-2)
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  gal Catalogues | CDRs | Compilation CDs | DVDs | Internet Releases 

shut up and listen! 2006-18 (book and online publication) Ur-Ur, et al Several contributions to the book and online archives shut up and listen!, documenting the Viennese avant-garde festival 2006-18. Published by edition sp ce, Austria, 2019.
The Sea of Trees, 2014 The Sea of Trees Contribution to the web release 'Autumn Soundscapes Vol.2'. Published by Mandorla Records, Mexico, 2014.
schwarzenberg (conceptual image) schwarzenberg Contribution to Seda Roeder's CD 'Black and White Statements'. Published by Gramola, Austria, 2013.
The Sea of Trees, 2010 Void Contribution to the project 'Somewhere on the edge'. Published by Gruenrekorder, Germany, 2012.
RGB - An internedia installation at Alte Schmiede, Vienna RGBuSW Catalogue book about 'singuhr - hoergalerie in parochial', sound art gallery located in Berlin, documenting 10 years of sound art exhibitions, including Gal's exhibition RGBuSW. Published by Kehrer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2010.
mil aguas,  intermedia installation, 2009 - photo: Bernhard Gal Die Spitze des Eisbergs Contribution to the compilation CD 'Sudamerica Electronica 3'. Published by Sudamerica Electronica, Argentine, 2010
solo, Tulln, Austria 2007 solo DVD documentation of the sound art exhibition 'stadtklaenge | klangstaetten', including Gal's intermedia installation solo.
Published by Allgemeiner Konsumverein, Braunschweig, Germany, 2009.
'The Desert Island Records', Tuttle Edizione, Italy, 2009 The Desert Island Project Book project 'The Desert Island Records', published by Tuttle Edizione, Italy, 2009.
Alan Licht: 'Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Media.', Rizzoli, USA 2007 57A Contribution to the audio section of Alan Licht's book 'Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Media.'.
Published by Rizzoli, New York City, 2007.
triMIX Compilation, Innova, USA 2006 le gocce dell'uomo del campo Contribution to the "triMIX: Tribryd Installation Soundtracks Deconstructed"-Project, curated by TJ Norris. Innova Recordings, USA, 2007.
CD 'henri chopin remixed', Extraplatte 2006 hechre Contribution to the 'henri chopin remixed' project, curated by Juergen Berlakovich.
Schule fuer Dichtung / Extraplatte, Austria, 2006.
Jon's a.m. revisited, 2004 Jon's a.m. revisited Limited CDR edition (10 cds) with individually designed art work by Gal. Gallery Lukas Feichtner, Vienna, Austria, 2006.
Earshot Collaboration with Bernhard Loibner and Tom Sherman.
CD version published as part of Bernhard Loibner's solo CD _gestalt. allquiet, Austria, 2006.
90 Sekunden Wirklichkeit, Cybele, Germany  2005 This is for real Contribution to the compilation CD '90 Sekunden Wirklichkeit', published by DEGEM / Cybele Records, Germany, 2005.
Night Pulses, Intermedia Installation 2004 Night Pulses Catalogue & CDR of Gal's intermedia installation 'Night Pulses', O.K Center for Contemporary Art, Austria, 2004.
'Text and Language', Aspect Magazine, vol. 4, USA 2004 Hinaus:: In den, Wald.
(surround remix)
Excerpt of Hinaus:: In den, Wald., presented as a DVD surround remix simulating the spatiality of the sound installation.
Contribution to Aspect, vol.4, biannual DVD magazine of new media art. Boston, USA, 2004.
Twenty-Three, Intransitive USA 2004 in fusion Live recording of Gal playing Koudi (Chinese whistle) during a sauna visit.
2-CD 'Intransitive Twenty-Three', Intransitive Recordings, USA, 2004.
CD 'Rock's Role (After Ryoanji)', Art in General 2004 Three Whites CD / Catalogue of the group exhibition 'Rock's Role (After Ryoanji)', Art in General, NYC, 2004.
Danza De La Muerte - R.I.P. Syntactic
c.s.a.g. 2CD set 'Danza De La Muerte - R.I.P. Syntactic', Klanggalerie, Austria, 2003.
Sound Off 2002 enelten Catalogue+CD 'Typewriting Aloud. Typos Allowed.', SOUND OFF-Festival, Slovakia, 2002.
lowercase sound 2002
zhu shui CD 'lowercase sound II', Bremsstrahlung Recordings, USA, 2002.
because tomorrow comes #4
Tong-hua yie-shi 'because tomorrow comes #4', Magazine for Acoustic Art, Germany, 2001.
CD 'klanggesetz', Initiative Minderheiten, Austria
sprachklanggesetzt CD 'klanggesetz', Initiative Minderheiten, Austria, 2000.
Dissociated Voices, Catalogue & CDR, Werkstadt Graz

Dissociated Voices

Catalogue + CDR, Werkstadt Graz, Austria, 2000.

CD 'Beams and Waves', SOUND OFF 2000

Art's Birthday 2000

CD 'Beams and Waves', SOUND OFF-Festival, Slovakia, 2000.

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