Defragmentation/red - An exploration of time by gal and Yumi Kori  - Old Water reservoir Prenzlauzer Berg, Berlin 2000 -  Photography  by Werner Zellien





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An audio-architectural exploration of time by Bernhard Gal and Yumi Kori

Site-specific installation at the water reservoir in Prenzlauer Berg, Festival Kryptonale VI, Berlin, September 2000

was conceived specifically for an underground water storage tank in Berlin’s Prenzlauer Berg district and its circular architecture. Glowing red acrylic tubes float in the darkness of the concentric passageways, an abstract apparatus for measuring time and space. The bottom of the building is covered with water whose dark surface creates an effect of endless depth. The red columns of light are discovered successively, one after the other. This architectural installation is supplemented with a sound continuum composed of shifting sound textures that wrap the visitor corporeally. Micro-tonal sound sequences change in correspondence with the visitor’s position and motion through the space. The apparent boundlessness of the dark labyrinth is temporally and spatially disorienting, and the circles of the water reservoir expand into infinity.
Defragmentation/red (2000)

Hand-scraped acrylic tubes, reflector lamps, water, multi-channel audio system

..Commissioned by the Kryptonale VI - Festival, Berlin.
Further support: Austrian Embassy in Berlin
Photography by Werner Zellien and anemel, used with permission.
Special thanks to: Andreas Bittner, Clive Graham, Boris Hegenbart, Judith & Wolfgang Bilger, Max Yawney

Defragmentation/red was awarded at the ar+d award for emerging architecture, London, 2001

Defragmentation/red has been published as part of Bernhard Gal's Book & audio CD 'Installations', Kehrer Verlag Germany, 2005



































































Defragmentation/red is based on an artistic concept to combine music and architecture which was developed by the Austrian sound artist Bernhard Gal and the Japanese architect Yumi Kori since 1997.

By using water, light and sound, the spatial and acoustic conditions of the big water reservoir and its impact on human perception and imagination are explored. Yumi Kori's careful approaching of the cyclic architecture of the space and Gal's reduced static-repetitive sound installation blend together creating a perceptual continuum and opening up a sensorial journey (not only) for eyes and ears, in which the linearity of temporal perception is dissolved.

Plan of  the water reservoir
Section of the water reservoir

Defragmentation/red is the third collaborative installation by Bernhard Gal and Yumi Kori.
Their first work Defragmentation/blue was presented at the sound art gallery Studio Five Beekman
in New York City in September 1999, followed by Defragmentation/white, Gallery Sigpro, Tokyo in July 2000.

A CD version of Defragmentation/blue has been published by the German record label Plate Lunch in August 2000, being Gal's second solo cd-release.

Defragmentation/blue and Defragmentation/red have also been published as part of Bernhard
Gal's Book & audio CD 'Installations', Kehrer Verlag Germany, 2005



























gal Defragmentation/red

press reviews

(..) In the mysterious reworking of the Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin, a nineteenth-century underground reservoir, Yumi Kori and Bernhard Gal have created spaces of enormous power, an installation permeated by red light, and echoes, by music and the sounds of water. (..)

The Architectural Review, London - December 2001

"Highly commended"

ar+d award 2001 - the world's leading emerging architecture award - November 2001

(..) Und wenn einem dann oder überhaupt der Kopf schwirren sollte, empfiehlt sich ein Gang in den Großen Wasserspeicher. In dessen Raum haben der österreichische Klangkünstler gal (Bernhard Gál) und die japanische Architektin Yumi Kori ihre wunderbare Installation "Defragmentation/red" eingefügt. Durch die konzentrisch angelegten Gänge im dunklen Inneren des Wasserspeichers wandelnd (und man gerät unwillkürlich ins Wandeln), fühlt sich der Besucher von einem unmerklich changierenden, sanften und doch intensiven Klanggewebe eingehüllt. In regelmäßigen Abständen begegnet er rot leuchtenden Epiphanien, röhrenförmigen Elementen, die scheinbar in der Luft schweben. Das ist schon alles, aber man könnte sich stundenlang darin verlieren. Eigentlich wäre dies ein würdiges Dauer-Refugium für alle von der pulsierenden Hauptstadtaufbruchstimmung Geschädigten, "Defragmentation/red" ist aber nur noch bis 24. September zu erfahren. (..)

Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Berliner Zeitung - September 2000

(..) And if one's head starts ringing after that, I'd recommend a visit to the big water reservoir. The Austrian sound artist gal (Bernhard Gál) and the Japanese architect Yumi Kori embedded their wonderful installation "Defragmentation/red" into this space. While wandering through the concentrically constructed hallways, in the dark inside of the water reservoir (and one instinctively gets into wandering), the visitor feels like being wrapped up by the imperceptibly changing, smooth yet intense sound textures. Within regular distances one encounters red light emitting epiphanies, tubelike elements, which seem to float in the air. That is already all, but one could get lost for hours in there. Actually, this would be a decent permanent refugium for everyone, who got damage from the pulsating energy of the capital city, but "Defragmentation/red can only be experienced until September 24th. (..)

Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Berliner Zeitung - September 2000

(translation: Gromoga Productions)

(..) Im Großen Wasserspeicher aber löst die Installation "Defragmentation/red" bei jedem, der sich allein beherzt hineinbegibt, alsbald eine Aufhebung des raum- und Zeitgefühls aus: rötliche Lichtröhren verführen ins Innere des Labyrinths, sie scheinen chamäleonartig sich wandelnde Tonströme abzusondern, deren Substanz, Farbe, Struktur, und erst recht Herkunft für das Ohr nicht dingfest zu machen sind. Es ist dies die dritte Zusammenarbeit des Wiener Komponisten Bernhard Gál und der japanischen Architektin Yumi Kori, die bereits in New York mit einer blauen Version und in Tokio mit einer weißen Version dieser manipulativen Licht-Raum-Skulptur aufgefallen sind. Dabei handelt es sich um eine beunruhigende Wirkung, die keine Ursache zu haben scheint. Tatsächlich interessiert sich ja auch der Diskurs über die junge Kunst der Klanginstallationen, wie der Musiker und Musikwissenschaftler Volker Straebel dazu bemerkt hat, weniger - wie beim klassichen Kunstwerk - für die Faktur, sondern vielmehr für die Rezeption: dafür, was der Bauch des Hörers dazu zu sagen hat. (..)

Eleonore Büning, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - September 2000

(..) Inside the big water reservoir the installation "Defragmentation/red" creates by everybody, who courageously enters the space, a suspension of the sense for space and time: reddish light tubes seduce to proceed further into the inner labyrinth, they seem to emit chameleonlike changing sound streams, whose substance, colour, structure, and last but not least origin cannot be located by the ear. It is the third collaboration of the Viennese composer Bernhard Gál and the Japanese architect Yumi Kori, who already received attention with a blue and a white version of this manipulative light-space-sculpture, presented in New York and Tokyo, respectively. There is a disturbing effect, which seems to have no cause. In fact, the discussion of the young art form "sound installation" - as the musician and musicologists Volker Straebel added - puts less interest into the structure, but more into the perception: more, into what the guts of the listener have to say. (..)

Eleonore Büning, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - September 2000

(translation: Gromoga Productions)

Die Poesie der Pfütze

Seit sechs Jahren bespielen Künstler im September für zwei Wochen den Wasserspeicher an der Kolmarer Straße in Prenzlauer Berg, wo sich's noch zaubern lässt. Kryptonale nennt sich das Festival-Experiment, das am vergangenen Sonntag endete. Das Projekt lebt allein aus den Räumen, den muffig feuchten und kalten Backsteingewölben. Im Großen Wasserspeicher sind die Pfützen tief. Und leuchtend rot; in ihnen spiegelten sich die langen, schmalen Röhren, die im Raum schwebten. Sie schienen zu klingen, kühl, metallisch, aber seltsam lieblich. Das ist eine Sinnenmagie, die solch verkopfte Theorieunterfütterung nicht braucht, wie sie das Programmheft versuchte: "Defragmentation/red (so hieß die Installation) bietet eine Sinnenreise, in der die objektive Linearität der Zeitwahrnehmung aufgehoben scheint" - eine zudem banale Weisheit, weil sie im Grunde für jede Klanginstallation gilt. Da schaltete man lieber den Denkapparat ab und lustwandelte noch ein wenig durch die labyrinthischen Gänge und freute sich, wenn hinter der Wölbung die nächste Röhre auftauchte. Die Japanerin Yumi Kori und der Österreicher Bernhard Gál hatten sich "Defragmentation/red" ausgedacht und genau ins Schwarze des Kryptonale-Konzepts getroffen. Hier brauchte das Werk den Raum und der Raum das Werk, um so eindrucksvoll zu wirken, wie sie es taten. (..)

C. Gerhardt, Die Welt - September 2000

The poetry of the puddle

Artists have performed for two weeks each September on the past six years at the water reservoir at Kolmarer Strasse in Prenzlauer Berg, where magic is still possible. Kryptonale is the name of this festival-experiment, which ended last Sunday. The project lives solely from the space, the damp and cold brickstone arches. In the big water reservoir the puddles are deep. And shining red; they reflected the long and thin tubes, that floated in the space. They seemed to sound, cool, metallic, but strangely sweet. This is magic for the senses and didn't need the brain-heavy theoretical basis, which was tried in the program: "Defragmentation/red" (this was the name of the installation) offers a journey for the senses, where the objective linearity of temporal perception seems to be suspended." -also a banal wisdom, since this is basically valid for each sound installation. Thus one better switched off the brain and continued wandering through the labyrinthic hallways and enjoyed the moment, when the next tube appeared behind the curve. The Japanese Yumi Kori and the Austrian Bernhard Gál had conceived "Defragmentation/red" and hit exactly the center of the Kryptonale concept. Here the work needed the space and the space the work, to be as impressive as it was. (..)

C. Gerhardt, Die Welt - September 2000

(translation: Gromoga Productions)

