Defragmentation (ISCP) - Audio-architectural installation by  Bernhard Gal and Yumi Kori  - Old Water reservoir Prenzlauzer Berg, Berlin 2000 -  Photography  by  Brian Whitney






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Defragmentation (ISCP)

Site-specific audio-architectural installation by Yumi Kori and Bernhard Gal

ISCP, New York City, May 7-30,2005

(Opening as part of the 'ISCP Open Studio Weekend', May 7, 2005)

Bernhard Gál and Yumi Kori create audio-architectural installations.
Since 1997, they have explored the interactions between aural, temporal and spatial situations and their influence on
human perception and imagination. Their collaborations have been shown in Austria, Germany, Japan,
and the United States. This new installation was created for Yumi Kori's studio space at ISCP, New York.

Yumi Kori's work is supported by the Agency of Cultural Affairs Japan, Bunka-cho.
Bernhard Gal's work is supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum, New York.

See other work by Bernhard Gal and Yumi Kori